OL 770 – CCD-Array Spectroradiometer
The Series OL770 is a high-accuracy CCD-Array Spectroradiometer for laboratory and QS use.
Self-calibration maintain the certification of the calibration
A variaty of measurement and analysis features simplify the daily use:
- Presets for single-button measurements of often required measurement tasks
- High measurement speed starting form 20ms also in triggered mode
- Easy reporting supporting MS Excel®- und Word® templates
- ActiveX-interface for implementation into automated processes
Ready-to-Start Bundles
The Series OL770 is available in bundles of 4 different wavelength ranges (200–780nm, 380nm–780nm, 380–1100nm or 850-1700nm):
- LED-Package: E.g. for luminous intensity or flux , small-sized goniometer (CIE Pub. 127)
- Display/Symbol Package: E.g. for Luminance, color coordiantes or color temperature
- Lamp measurements: E.g. for luminous flux, color temperature or CRI

Video Application - OL770 Configuration of the LED-Package
The Package Series OL770-LED is configured for the measurements of the most important opto-electrical parameters of LED sources.
Compatible acc. CIE Publication 127:2010
Integrating spheres with diameters up to 2m can be optionally used. The measurement system is full compatible to CIE Publikation 127 and LM-79, LM-80 and C78.377.
Widespread Accessories available
- High-performance cooled and un-cooled LED holders
- Goniometer to measure luminous intensity distributions
- LED dedicated power supplies for electro-optical characterization
Images about OL 770 UV-VIS
Downloads & Data sheets
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OL770-LED Test and Measurement System

Video - OL770-LED and -DMS in practise

Video - OL770-NVIS Night-Vision Test- and Measurement System
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